In our TCOLE-approved Law Enforcement Driving Safety School, our focus is on control and precision driving. Officers are taught to handle their cruisers in both low and high speed situations, in wet and dry conditions. We prefer to keep the classes to around 12-16 officers allowing for maximum attention from our instructors.
Our Driving Program is committed to maximizing drivers’ skills and safety.
Our schools are designed to be specialized for each department. We provide the basic curriculum and add on additional departmental requirements. Over the past seven years, we have conducted monthly law enforcement driving courses for Texas Department of Public Safety State Troopers from across the state. Although we cannot promise the results listed above for your department, evidence shows our school can greatly reduce your accident rate and the associated cost.
Driving Basics
- Seating Position
- Hand Placement
- Proper Vision and Awareness
- Vehicle Dynamics and Car Control
Road Course Exercises
- After lunch and a road course orientation around our 2.38-mile road course, officers get behind the wheel of their cruisers for a two lap lead-follow session. In lead follow, instructors show the proper line and braking points. Each officer takes a turn driving directly behind the instructor to get the maximum information.
- The officers are then released to drive the road course on their own. We strive to help each officer obtain the personal skill level to meet his or her departmental limits.
- Additional pursuit skills can be taught for those departments that don’t allow for “pit maneuvers” or any other vehicle contact method for ending chases.
Skid Avoidance & Recovery
- Skid pad is wet down to allow students to safely learn at low speeds and experience low traction situations
- Students are taught and experience skid recognition, and how to correctly respond to skids
- Students experience their own limitations in a high-stress, low- speed and controlled environment
- The students make practice runs, before they take to the course for two timed runs. In addition to adding a little friendly competition, it allows to see how well they will react under pressure.
- After the timed runs, we switch things up and have the officers drive the course in the opposite direction, without any practice. It’s very similar to pursuing someone in an unfamiliar territory.
It is easy for us to talk about it but it is best to hear what our customers are saying.
During this safety training, MSR Houston has greatly enhanced the driving skills of over 400 of our Texas State Troopers. As a result of our training, the Troopers’ fleet accident rate decreased by 36% in 2007.
– Lt. Randy G. Jones, Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper
We don’t have any true high-speed training, so this allows us to find out the limitations of both our vehicles and ourselves. They keep it fun, and there’s no better training than training that is fun.
– Sgt. Kenneth Hiebert, Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper
We drive fast everyday, but it’s good to really find out what your weaknesses are and fine tune those skills. All police officers should be mandated to go through this course.
– Cpl, David Burnett Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper
Training is always good, but you can never beat hands on training, and that’s exactly what this course was. I was overwhelmed by how much I learned. The instructors were highly motivated and gave us 100% at all times. It was by-far the best driving course I’ve attended.
– Oscar Hernandez, Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper
Today’s class taught me how important safety is and enlightened me to my driving habits. This training made me aware of my shortcomings. I would highly recommend this course because I definitely know it it can save a life.
– Martin Guillory, Jr., Texas Department of Public Safety State Trooper